ANOINTED WORD INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES New Members | The Cutting <span> Edge </span>
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New Members Ministry

Anointed Word International Ministries, Inc.(AWIM) is operating in a manner which thoroughly mimics our Father God. Once each new convert comes into His royal family, via spiritual adoption and they decide to become a member of AWIM, they are immediately inducted into the New Members Ministry.

Kingdom family membership affords each new child of God all the benefit rights as an heir of God, because of covenant relationship. In following the Lord's example, AWIM provides a wealth of benefits for our new members. which are available immediately upon his/her inception as a member of this congregation. A very vital part of the benefit package is our New Members Ministry, which starts our new members out on the "right foot" as they proceed forward in their new walk with God through this particular local body.

This Ministry is conducted by our Associate Ministers and other qualified anointed instructors who have truly been called by God to fulfill this teaching mandate for this day and time. These instructors are well educated in scriptural knowledge, which is used in presenting the well-prepared lessons during the weekly classes conducted every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. on the floor. They work very diligently and untiringly to insure that our new members become well informed and well prepared to answer the call which the Lord has placed upon their lives.

Our New Members Classes are geared to the new convert just coming into the family of God, as well as to individuals who have newly become members of AWIM. Before any individual member is launched into the work of the Lord through this church, each member is required to attend 3 weeks of New Members Sessions, and attend Bible Study. The purpose of these classes are to help to prepare each member, via scriptural knowledge, for working out their own soul’s salvation with fear and trembling, in accordance with the Word of the Lord in Phil. 2:12.

These sessions cover a wealth of information relative to the Child of God’s walk in life. Subject matter presented includes scriptural evidence on the Salvation Package and what it entails, Baptism and Its Importance, Redemption, Justification, Regeneration, Sanctification, Jesus Christ Himself, the Holy Spirit, The Tithe and Its Vital Role and Purpose, Good Stewardship and Why God Requires It, and numerous other topics.

As a result of the new members attendance in these in-depth teachings, they will emerge in a state of advanced spiritual growth and strength. They experience much change and find themselves in the blessed state of being better armed and more equipped to walk this Christian walk in reverential fear of the Almighty God, as well as in victory as the
"more than a conqueror" that God intends for them to be.